How To Convert Pages To Word File | Latest Method

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Microsoft Word document is one of the most used text document in educational and corporate environments. Mostly when windows operating system is dominant. Fortunately, Mac OS users can also read and write .doc files with their default pages app. This function was added to implement cross-platform readability of documents. You can now also export or convert pages to word files with .doc or .docx extension, without the need for any external software of course. How To Convert Pages To Word File | Latest Method

Before this function was introduced to Mac users, they had to use third party software solutions which promised to convert pages to word or pages to doc file format, but miserably failed to do so. Let’s learn how to convert pages to word via default pages app in Mac OS.

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In the earlier version of pages app, the file handling to export word document was quite different than the current version. The previous version of Pages app allowed saving as .doc format too, but the process was a little bit complicated I would say. It is recommended to update to the latest update of Pages app to improve compatibility of reading and writing word documents in general.

Convert Pages To Word From the MAC with Pages App

As we discussed earlier, the process to convert pages to word document is easy and straightforward in the latest Pages app. We recommend you to update to the latest version before going through this guide.

  1. Double click on any .pages documents to open them in Pages app. You can also open those files via File > open > example.pages in Pages app.How To Convert Pages To Word File | Latest Method
  2. Now go to File > Export and choose Word document from the top menu list.How To Convert Pages To Word File | Latest Method
  3. Note: you can specify between .doc file and .docx file by hitting the small triangle button which will open advance settings for output word format. otherwise click on next.How To Convert Pages To Word File | Latest Method
  4. Choose the directory where you want to save your file and rename the file and hit export button.How To Convert Pages To Word File | Latest Method
  5. Pages app will generate a compatible version of your pages document into a word file which will run both on Mac as well as on Windows PC.

Congratulations now you can successfully convert pages to word file format on the go, whenever you want.

Also Read:- How to Convert FLV to MP4

Please Note:-

In most of the cases, Pages app produces highly compatible word files, which can be run on any windows based PC without any effort. The output .doc or .docx file will open easily in Microsoft Office or Microsoft Word Viewer.

If you’re still facing issues with the exported word document, then the reason might be complex formatting. Pages app can convert pages to word documents real quick it doesn’t contain any complex formatting, any kind of unique font, Emojis or some special characters. To avoid such characters and your output file will be readable without any problem.

Wrapping Up

We hope you have gone through the process and now understand the concept of converting pages to word and pages to doc files. If you’re facing any kind of issue feel free to ask use int he comments section below.


Jitender Singh

Jitender Singh, the owner of this site, is a technical expert, SEO expert, YouTubber and a experienced blogger by profession. He basically belongs to a middle class family in Faridabad.

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